We are enthusiastic about it, but instead of telling you how this year's VITRUM fair went from our point of view, we prefer to let Fabrizio Cattaneo, director of the event, speak.
Vitrum through the eyes of Vitrum
In a long interview released at the end of the four-day event, Cattaneo takes stock of the 22nd edition of Vitrum, which ended on 8 October: "the fair totaled only 35% less attendance than the pre-covid event itself, but with a very strong and above standard interest ".
All the sector associations confirm the positive opinions, GIMAV above all, which evaluate both the turnout and the international interest as excellent.
Vitrum through the eyes of the exhibitors
What about the companies? Those who, like us, accepted the challenge of exhibiting in uncertain times, showed the result of one year (or more) of commitment aimed at relaunching, and joyfully welcomed the great attention of the public professional.
Also the voices of all those exhibited and visited the 2021 edition of the fair has been enthusiastic, reconfirming VITRUM as a staple of the sector.
Vitrum through the eyes of Schiatti
Optimistic and future-oriented were the opinions of those who judged this fair not only from the point of view of the numbers, but also from the energy that flowed in all the halls of FieraMilano.
“We felt the lack of visitors from some countries”, explains Cinzia Schiatti, “such as China and South America, but we are happy to be back, cutting the feeling of stasis induced by previous years. We have worked well with Europe and North Africa and we are confident that this is only the beginning of a new, more positive period for the entire industry. Those who made the journey to intervene came with a serious motivation for information, purchase and finalization. And this has optimised appointments and exchanges ”.
"SME10 and FPS20RS, our two 10-wheel straights with variable angles and fixed, were the great protagonists and captured the attention of visitors for their ease of use approach and their performance," adds Cinzia.
"And speaking of automation, the TFV1600 drilling/ milling machine, the reduced version of our vertical driller, has shown the convenience of having an automatic tool change and a drill-bit dresser and CAD cam for managing the production process even remotely".
Vision Milan Glass Week: art and culture in the Milan of glass
Beyond all expectations, therefore. But it was not just the business that was properly looked after during the VITRUM days: the Milan of glass was enhanced thanks to the initiatives of Vision Milan Glass Week, with glass-themed architectural itineraries, cultural and artistic initiatives dedicated to different targets.
And now? After the beautiful closing party of the event, also enriched by the wonderful live concert by Cinzia Tedesco and Pino Jodice (Verdi and Puccini Jazz), we are already preparing for the 2023 edition.